
Fit For Purpose Assessment

Fit For Purpose  Assessment


Every business is unique, and the technology that solves one businesses challenges, won’t necessarily solve yours.

Our Fit For Purpose Assessment allows us to understand your business’ unique ways of working, the technology you’re currently using, and the challenges you’re battling with.

Based on this understanding, we analyze popular Work Operating Systems and similar tools, to determine which system will best solve your needs.

Who is it for?

Any business that is experiencing pain points in their day to day operations, especially as it relates to

  • Collaboration within and across teams,
  • Transparency of information
  • Complex/unruly data that is difficult and risky to manage
  • System Overwhelm with trying to understand which system has the right features for them
Who is it for?

What we do


Workshops and interviews

We conduct a series of workshops and interviews with your teams to understand how you’re operating, and what pain points your teams are facing

Workshops and interviews


We document these pain points in an easy to understand document


Research a suite of tools

We will research a suite of tools in the market to determine whether they have the feature set and function to be able to solve your needs

Research a suite of tools

Recommendation on the tool

We make a recommendation on the tool/s that we believe would best suit your business

Recommendation on the tool
Why this service is right for you?

Why this service is right for you?

Understanding what these common Work Operating System tools can do, and whether their features are relevant to your problems can be daunting.

We use our deep experience in working with a range of collaboration tools to help make sense of the pain points that you’re experiencing, and how the features of these tools can be relevant to your business.

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Find out more

Schedule a call with us to find out more about how The SaaS JEDI can help your business.
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